Leadership is beyond position like many assume and it a major responsibility that demands the willingness and readiness to commit to a higher role. Many desire to be leaders but do not function as one.
Leadership is hardly taught in our educational environments and this is why we hardly have great leaders especially in our nation.
Samson Oluwatoye
As one who desires to become a leader, there is a need to develop values, behaviors and goals that are in sync with what you desire to achieve as a leader. Many have defined leadership in different ways and there is no likely going to be a unified definition of the subject because leadership characteristics keep evolving.
However, there is one acceptable statement and that is the fact that it takes a great leader to raise a great organization.
Here are some of the best leadership tips to help you:
Leadership Tip 1
Becoming a great leader is like becoming a surgeon. One of the best ways to evolve as a great leader of your generation is to study another great leader. In other words, leadership demands mentoring. It is good enough to read books, attend trainings and conferences but it is more productive to serve a great leader in order to emerge as one.
Leadership Tip 2
Every organization requires a leader in order to achieve her goals and objectives. True leaders are scarce and so it is both easy and tasking to become one of the few best leaders that your organization requires. A decision to emerge as one of those few best leaders is a major prerequisite to eventually becoming one. Decide today to emerge as a great leader in your organization. You are desperately needed because we have few of you.
Leadership Tip 3
How ready are you to pay the price of becoming a leader. Everyone likes the top but not everyone is willing to pay the price. There is no free lunch even in Freetown. If you are going to become a highly sought after leader, you must be willing to pay the price and do what it takes to get to the top. The interesting thing about paying the price is that the glory at the top helps you to forget the pains you went through to achieving it.
Leadership Tip 4
Who is your leadership mentor? Have you asked him questions? Have you interacted with him in a while? Asking questions is one major sign of intelligence. Follow your mentor closely and you will become a replica.
Leadership Tip 5
There is no leadership without vision and goals. What is your vision? What do you intend to achieve. The subject of vision is beyond an ambition. The difference is that an ambition is self-motivated but a vision is people motivated. If what you intend to achieve is about benefiting yourself and does not have others in the picture, then you simply have an ambition. If you have an ambition, be ready to fulfil it yourself but if you have a vision, you are likely to attract and command help.